Dance Groups
All of the Holy Trinity dance groups welcome new dancers at any time. No dance experience is required. Please join us! We also welcome help in the areas of dance instruction, costume maintenance and any other talents you may have that you are willing to contribute.
Junior Dance Group
Instructor: Vicky Georges
Ages 5 through 12. The junior dance group performs twice a year at our Winter Feast and June Festival.
Olympian Performing Artists (OPA)
Instructor: Vicky Georges
Contact information: email:,
The Olympian Performing Artists include dancers of High School and College age. They perform at Greek festivals, Sights and Sounds, dances and any other events organized by the church. Emphasis is placed in teaching the young dancers not only the beauty of Greek folk dances but also old customs, traditions, origins of dance, costumes, and regional music and style. Ages 13 and up.
The Terpsichoreans
Instructor: Vicky Georges
This newly formed group consists of alumni of the OPA group or other local dance groups who want to keep exploring Greek dance and traditions. The group performs at the festival with focus on a specific Greek region each year with an in depth look at regional style, music and costumes. Ages 19 and up.